Governance, risk and compliance (GRC) refers to a strategy for managing an organization’s overall governance, enterprise risk management and compliance with regulations. Think of GRC as a structured approach to aligning IT with business objectives, while effectively managing risk and meeting compliance requirements.
A well-planned GRC strategy comes with lots of benefits: improved decision-making, more optimal IT investments, elimination of silos, and reduced fragmentation among divisions and departments, to name a few.
RSA Governance Risk and Compliance
The RSA Archer GRC Platform provides a common foundation for managing
policies, controls, risks, assessments and deficiencies across your lines of
business. The Platform is designed to be:
• Flexible – The Platform offers a point-and-click interface for building
and managing business applications. Non-technical users can automate
processes, streamline workflow, control user access, tailor the user
interface and report in real-time.
• Unified – RSA provides as common platform to manage policies, controls,
risks, assessments and deficiencies across lines of business. This unified
approach eases system complexity, strengthens user adoption and reduces
training time.
• Collaborative – The Platform enables cross-functional collaboration and
alignment. Business users across IT, finance, operations and legal domains can
work together in an integrated framework using common processes and data.